
Warming and uplifting, this oil is useful as a mood enhancer and for alleviating anxiety.

The Mandarin Orange looks similar to the common Orange in shape however it is smaller in size and has a thin peel that differentiates it from its counterpart. In India, the South Indian city of Coorg is known for the highest quality of Mandarin. The fruit is known to be rich in Vitamin C and therefore, for its anti-oxidant properties that can fight free radicals and cellular damage, both when consumed through one’s diet and when applied to the skin.

Mandarin Ayurvedic Benefits & Uses for the body.

Mandarin benefits include its anti-microbial and blood purifying properties that help flush out toxins from the skin and body, to enhance glow from the inside out. In Ayurveda, Oranges of all types are known to be cooling in nature and hence very beneficial especially for those with a Vata Dosha. The fragrant, citrus essential oil extracted from Mandarin is known to refresh the senses, and induce a sense of calm and serenity, and therefore is highly used to prepare fragrances and for aromatherapy.

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