
Camphor helps soothe inflammation on the skin and effectively treats acne, with its cooling and healing effect.

Camphor, also known as “Kapur” is a crystal-like, white compound with a strong pungent aroma and taste. It is derived from the wood of the camphor plant (Cinnamomum camphora).Camphor is often used for its therapeutic benefits and in Spiritual practices as well.

Camphor Uses in Ayurveda

In the ancient science of Ayurveda, it is also referred to as Chandrabhasma (moon powder). As per Ayurvedic text “Raj Nighantu”, there are about 14 different types of Karpura (Kapur), out of those, Bhimseni Karpura is one the best variant for the therapeutic purposes. It is light (laghu), sheet virya (cooling in nature), ruksha (drying properties), bitter, pungent and sweet in taste, helps in balancing Pitta and Kapha Dosha easily. Camphor is a rare herb that despite being a coolant, balances Kapha Dosha, and reduces fat and balances Vata induced pains and aches.

Camphor Benefits of Camphor

Camphor benefits in various concerns. It helps to control the inflammation and adds a soothing effect on the body. Camphor has a healing effect on the skin. Due to its cooling and soothing effect, it controls skin outbreaks or rashes when applied locally over the affected area. It effectively treats acne and acne scars, when used along with coconut oil or olive oil.

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