Aloe Vera

Known for its incredibly astringent and soothing properties, Aloe Vera helps soothe and heal the skin while keeping it hydrated.



Aloe Vera
Written By Forest Essentials Luxurious Ayurveda
Dr. Taruna Yadav
Reviewed By Dr. Taruna Yadav Senior Ayurveda Doctor


The content provided in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Aloe Vera, a succulent plant is best known for its medicinal properties and beauty benefits and is being robustly used in different streams of medicine. Aloe Vera is known to contain around 75 potentially active constituents such as vitamins, enzymes, minerals, sugars, lignin, saponins, salicylic acids and amino acids.

Significance of Aloe Vera in Ayurveda

As per Ayurveda, Aloe is known as Kumari or “Young Girl”. It is because Aloe is believed to bring back youthful energy and femininity. Aloe is used as a tonic for the female reproductive system, skin and hair. According to Ayurveda, Aloe is said to have clarifying, tonic, rejuvenating, purgative, and anti-inflammatory actions. It is also believed to provide a good solution to all the three Ayurveda constitutions, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It is mainly used as a remedy for constipation, colic, skin diseases, worm infestations and infections in traditional Indian medicine.

Different Ways to use Aloe Vera

As a Hydrating Gel for Dry Skin

Aloe Vera can be extremely beneficial for dry skin. It can be used directly on the skin and dry patches to get an instant burst of hydration, as it sinks into the skin to provide deep hydration.

As a Moisturizer for Oily Skin

It imparts a balanced moisturizing and hydrating effect on this type of skin that needs careful moisturization.

As an Exfoliator

It can be used by mixing it with sugar granules for exfoliating the skin. It is an all-natural and gentle way to exfoliate your skin.

As a Make-up Remover

The juice of the Aloe Vera plant can be used to remove makeup, especially for sensitive skin. It can even be used to remove eye makeup.

As a Natural Detoxifying Juice

Consumption of Aloe Vera juice flushes out toxins from the body. Drinking it early in the morning will help you in many ways, right from benefitting the gut to cleaning the system.

Benefits of using Aloe Vera

A Cooling Summer Essential

Due to its cooling properties and anti-inflammatory properties, it is considered as one of the best natural remedies for sunburn, as the application provides a protective layer for the skin, and it helps to retain moisture.

Hydrates the skin

Unlike regular hydrators, Aloe Vera gel, when used as a hydrating gel, helps unclogs the pores and softens the skin.

Combats signs of ageing

Owing to its vitamin C, and E, beta-carotene components, it helps in restoring the natural plumpness in the skin. Additionally, it helps to increase the production of collagen in the body and skin elasticity.

Acts as a conditioner for the hair

Just as it moisturizes the skin, Aloe Vera helps to condition the hair and soften it. Regular application of Aloe Vera on your hair locks in moisture and helps to maintain the natural shine and vitality of the hair.

Aloe Vera for different skin types

Aloe Vera for Oily Skin

Aloe Vera mixed with lemon becomes a great remedy for oily skin, as both are natural astringents. They control the secretion of excess sebum, absorb excess oil from the pores and minimize the pores.

Aloe Vera for Dry Skin

The blend of Aloe Vera, honey and vitamin E helps in turning your dry and dull skin into a plump and supple one. All you have to do is mix Aloe Vera gel, honey, and one vitamin E Extract. These ingredients help in hydrating your skin, thus leaving it soft and smooth.

Aloe Vera for Combination Skin

A combination of Aloe Vera and pure rose water helps in moisturizing and revitalizing the skin. It works for sensitive skin very well as it helps in relieving skin from any sensitivity, rashes or itchiness.

Aloe Vera for different skin concerns

Aloe Vera for Acne

Aloe Vera has anti-inflammatory properties, which are effective in controlling acne and reducing the inflammation caused by it. The enzymes present in Aloe Vera form an antibacterial coating on the skin to protect it against acne-causing bacteria. As per Ayurveda, a Kapha-Pitta dosha skin type can be prone to acne and pimples. Aloe vera balances the doshas with its clarifying, purifying and astringent properties.

Aloe Vera for Skin Brightening

The high moisture content makes it effective in reducing the appearance of scars and blemishes. It also boosts skin reproduction. Use Aloe Vera gel mixed with lemon juice and a pinch of turmeric on scar marks and brown spots on the skin to fade the marks gradually.

Aloe Vera for Dryness & Dullness

Aloe Vera has healing and hydrating properties and is an ideal choice for dry skin due to its much-needed moisturization. In addition to moisturizer, Aloe Vera helps gives a burst of hydration.


Does Aloe Vera clear pimples?

Yes, due to its clarifying, purifying, and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps in clearing the pimples.

What is aloe vera good for?

This miracle plant has been used as a medicinal herb for ages, because of its rich nutrients, digestion aiding properties, and immunity-boosting abilities. Aloe Vera has traditionally been a part of many Ayurvedic preparations, medicines, and tonics. It provides complete nourishment to the body.

Is Aloe Vera safe?

In general, Aloe Vera is a safe herb to be used on the skin. However, occasionally some people may experience an initial stinging or burning sensation after using the gel on dry or sensitive skin. Some people may experience an allergic reaction to topical Aloe Vera. Therefore, always do a patch test first to check for sensitivity before using it on the face.

What is bad about Aloe Vera?

Aloe Vera is an extremely beneficial plant, however, it should not be used if you are allergic to garlic or onions and you must pay attention to how your body reacts to this plant. Its oral intake should also be avoided during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

Is it safe to rub Aloe Vera on the face?

Aloe Vera is a popular vitamin-rich plant that has skin healing properties. Aloe Vera is safe to use on the face for many skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, or minor wounds.

Can we apply Aloe Vera on the face daily?

Yes, definitely. Aloe vera gel is made up of 80% water, coupled with a lot of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals, all of which work to make your skin appear soft and glowing. This is why it is completely safe to be used every day.



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