
Step-by-Step Guide to Flawless Makeup: Essential Makeup Steps

Published on by Forest Essentials

Creating a flawless makeup look is an art that involves a series of precise steps and quality products. Whether you’re a makeup novice or a seasoned pro, having a clear roadmap can elevate your beauty routine. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential makeup steps in order, providing simple makeup steps you can easily do at home.

Basic Makeup Steps for a Flawless Look

Here is a detailed guide to makeup steps in order, including simple makeup steps at home, to help you achieve a flawless look with ease. These steps are designed to be easy to follow and perfect for everyday use.

makeup steps

Step 1: Prepping the Skin


Start with a gentle face cleanser to remove any impurities and prepare your skin for makeup application. This step ensures a smooth canvas.


Use a face toner to balance your skin’s pH levels. This is especially important for oily skin types to control excess sebum production.


Hydration is key. Choose a natural moisturiser that suits your skin type—lightweight for oily skin and rich for dry skin. Don’t forget to apply an eye cream to hydrate the delicate under-eye area.


Applying a primer is crucial for creating a smooth base. It helps makeup last longer and reduces the appearance of pores and fine lines. For oily skin, opt for a mattifying primer, while a hydrating primer is ideal for dry skin.

Step 2: Face Makeup Steps

2 Women Applying Natural Makeup


Select a natural foundation that matches your skin tone and type. For dry skin, a dewy finish foundation works best, such as the Forest Essentials’ Som Rasa Silk Skin Tint, while a matte foundation is more suitable for oily skin. Use a makeup sponge or brush to blend it seamlessly into your skin.


Apply concealer to cover any blemishes, dark spots, or under-eye circles. Use a shade that matches your foundation for blemishes and a slightly lighter shade for the under-eye area to brighten up the eyes. For smooth application and medium coverage, you can try the Forest Essentials’ Som Rasa Velvet Concealer.

Setting Powder

To set your foundation and concealer, use a setting powder. This helps to control shine and keep your makeup in place throughout the day. For dry skin, use a light dusting, while oily skin can benefit from a more generous application.


Contouring adds dimension to your face. Use a contour powder or cream to define your cheekbones, jawline, and nose. Blend it well to avoid harsh lines.


A touch of blush on the apples of your cheeks brings a healthy glow to your complexion. Choose a shade that complements your skin tone. For a dewy and fresh look, you can try the Forest Essentials’ Noor Nikhaar Satin Cheek Tints.


Apply face highlighter on the high points of your face—cheekbones, brow bones, and the bridge of your nose. This adds a radiant finish to your makeup. For a sheer, luminous sheen, you can try the Forest Essentials’ Highlighting Glow.

Step 3: Eye Makeup Steps

Cobalt Blue Gulaab Khaas Kajal
Cobalt Blue Gulaab Khaas Kajal


Define your eyebrows using a pencil, powder, or gel. Follow the natural shape of your brows and fill in any sparse areas for a fuller look.


Apply eyeshadow primer to make your eyeshadow last longer and appear more vibrant. Start with a neutral base colour, then add depth with darker shades in the crease and outer corner. Finish with a shimmer or highlight shade on the lid.


Line your lower waterline with a Kajal. For a natural look, tightline the upper waterline. For a more dramatic look, create a winged liner effect. To add a pop of colour, you can try the Forest Essentials’ Gulaab Khaas Kajals in Earth Brown and Cobalt Blue.


Apply mascara to your upper and lower lashes to define and lengthen them. For added volume, apply a second coat.

Step 4: Lip Makeup Steps

Madhu Rasa Tinted Lip Serum Anar Rasa
Madhu Rasa Tinted Lip Serum Anar Rasa

Lip Liner

Outline your lips with a lip liner to define their shape and prevent your lipstick from feathering. Choose a shade that matches your lipstick.


Fill in your lips with lipstick. For a long-lasting effect, blot your lips with a tissue and apply a second layer. For dry lips, opt for a hydrating or satin finish. Matte lipsticks are great for oily skin as they tend to stay put longer. For a nourishing and dewy look, you can try the Forest Essentials’ Madhu Rasa Tinted Lip Serums.

Makeup Steps for Different Skin Types

1 - Diffrent Skintone Women Banner

Understanding your skin type is essential for selecting the right products and techniques. Here are tailored makeup steps for dry and oily skin to help you achieve a flawless look.

Makeup Steps for Dry Skin

For dry skin, it’s crucial to prioritise hydration and use products that enhance your skin’s natural glow.

Hydration: Focus on hydrating products from the start to keep your skin moisturised and supple.

Foundation: Choose a dewy or hydrating foundation to give your skin a luminous finish.

Setting Powder: Use setting powder minimally to avoid a cakey look.

Highlighter: Opt for cream or liquid highlighters for a natural glow that enhances your skin’s radiance.

Makeup Steps for Oily Skin

For oily skin, controlling shine and using mattifying products will help maintain a fresh and lasting finish.

Primer: Use a mattifying primer to control shine and create a smooth base.

Foundation: Go for a matte or oil-free foundation to keep your skin looking fresh and shine-free.

Setting Powder: Apply setting powder generously to control oil and set your makeup in place.

Blush: Powder blushes work better than creams for oily skin, providing long-lasting colour without added shine.

Setting Spray: Finish with a setting spray designed for oily skin to lock everything in place and ensure your makeup lasts all day.


2 Women Applying Natural Makeup

Creating a flawless makeup look involves the right products and techniques tailored to your skin type. With these essential makeup steps, you can achieve a beautiful and lasting finish. For the ultimate luxury experience, be sure to explore the Forest Essentials’ Natural Makeup Collection designed to elevate your beauty routine. Remember, confidence in your own skin is the most important accessory. Makeup is simply an art to enhance your natural beauty. Stay radiant and confident every day!


How to apply makeup step by step for beginners?

Start with cleansing and moisturising for a smooth base. Apply primer, foundation, concealer, blush, bronzer, highlighter, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lip colour.

What are the basic steps for makeup?

Basic steps include skincare prep, primer, foundation, concealer, blush, bronzer, highlighter, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, and lip colour.

What is the correct order for makeup?

Start with skincare, then apply primer, foundation, concealer, setting powder, blush, bronzer, highlighter, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows, and lip colour.

What are the 5 steps of makeup?

Skincare prep, foundation, blush/bronzer/highlighter, eye makeup, and lip colour.

How do natural makeup step by step?

Cleanse, moisturise, apply foundation, concealer, blush, eyeshadow, eyeliner, mascara, brows, and lip colour for a natural look.


Written By:

Forest Essentials Luxurious Ayurveda

India’s leading beauty brand with products offering a sensorial journey with the purest natural ingredients and traditional Ayurvedic formulations, bringing timeless beauty rituals to the forefront of your self-care routine.

Reviewed By:

Arjun Singh
Arjun Singh Senior Ayurveda Expert

Arjun is a marketing professional turned Ayurveda Expert. After the completion of his post-graduation in 2008, he started his journey in the beauty industry. He has since worked with several global luxury beauty brands including DIOR & Estee Lauder. With now more than 12 years of experience, he is driven by the idea of making Skin Care, ‘simple’ and ‘accessible’ for all and help clients transform their lifestyle and skin with solutions rooted in his extensive understanding of Ayurveda. A Senior Ayurveda Expert at Forest Essentials, he carefully curates Ayurvedic remedies and is continuously working towards bridging the gap between time-honoured skin care solutions and the modern consumer of the fast-paced world.


The content provided in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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