मार्कव: कटुकस्तिकतो रुक्षोष्ण अक्षी शिरो अतिहृत||
कफवात हरो दंत्य: त्वच्य: केंश्यो रसायना😐
Bhringraj (Eclipta Prostrata or Eclipta Alba) is a famous herb known for its multiple benefits and usage in hair growth. It is also an effective medicine for skin diseases, liver disorders, cough, asthma, eye disorders, and diseases related to any part of the head.
Bhringraj is known for its affinity with the hair often goes by the Sanskrit name “Keshraj”, literally known as the king of hair. It is used as a fresh extract in making pure Bhringaraj oil which improves hair growth, prevents hair fall, and treats premature greying of hair. It also improves the glow and complexion of the skin and prevents several skin diseases. It is considered an eye tonic, known to improve eyesight as well. Bhringraj is also known as False Daisy in English.
Moreover, every part of the Bhringraj plant is useful. The root works as an excellent tonic and is used as a purgative. Its leaf juice is used as a hepatic tonic.
Bhringraj oil and hair growth are almost synonymous in Ayurveda. Bhringaraj for hair is considered as the ultimate herb and Bhringaraj hair oil is one of the widely used hair oils to promote hair growth, improve hair quality, and relieve split hairs, grey hairs, and more. All parts of the plant are used in the making of this oil.
Making of the Bhringraj oil:
In Ayurveda, there is an in-depth description of the formula of the oil. In the preparation, the oil is made in three parts.
- Part One: A “Kashayam” or a decoction of various hair-benefitting herbs is made. All the herbs are soaked and then the potent mixture is extracted, which is later added in the Bhringaraj Hair oil.
- Part Two: Various cold-pressed oils of coconut and sesame along with goat milk are mixed and the application of samskara of “Murchana” is done to acquire better potency of the oil. The oil acts as a base and is the main part of the making of this oil. While cooking, we must ensure to not burn the Bhringaraj oil as it will leave a very strong smell and spoil the herbs infused in it.
- Part Three: Finally, a bolus of all the freshly extracted herbs and plants including Bhringraj, Amla, Fenugreek, Haritaki, Yashtimadhu, etc. are added in the Bhringaraj Hair oil and cooked on a slow fire for several hours till the result is achieved.
The resulting pure Bhringaraj oil is a wonderful elixir of potent Ayurvedic herbs, which works best in tackling hair concerns as well as giving a multitude of benefits.
Bhringaraj Oil Benefits:
Promoting Hair Growth
Bhringraj plays a pivotal role in treating and preventing baldness and is discussed under almost all hair care tips. When used suitably and consistently, it effectively increases blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles, which in turn enriches the roots by bringing in more nutrients through the blood supply and promoting hair growth. Cold-pressed sesame oil deeply nourishes the hair while Ayurveda vouches that regular use of Bhringraj oil promotes the healthy re-growth of hair.
Treating Dandruff and Scalp Itchiness
Hair Dandruff is the most common concern nowadays that usually occurs due to an excessively dry scalp, humidity in the air, lack of hygiene, and even faulty dietary habits owing to an unhealthy lifestyle. It eventually leads to itchy and flaky skin on the scalp thereby causing excessive dandruff. Bhringraj oil benefits not only as a powerful anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties but also has a high specific gravity due to the potent combination of various cold-pressed oils in it, allowing the oil to penetrate deep inside the scalp and treat a dry scalp and itchiness.
Reducing Hair Fall
Bhringraj oil has gained popularity as a one-stop solution for natural hair care & hair fall. There are many commercially available oils in the market, which promote various benefits. However, choosing an authentic formulation makes all the difference in maintaining the health of your hair. The Forest Essentials formulates the best Bhringraj oil which is made from an ancient recipe documented in the Vedas. It effectively reduces Vata and Kapha doshas, cools the scalp and reduces the stress levels, which are primarily the most predominant causes of hair fall. It provides nourishment to hair follicles, increases blood circulation in the scalp, prevents dryness of the scalp and hence reduces hair fall. It is important to tackle the underlying issue and treat it with the correct combination of a suitable regime to address the concern and consequently reduce hair fall.
Preventing Premature Greying of Hair
Early greying of hair is evidently getting more and more common than before. This particular concern was reserved for the older generation but the change in trends and other factors have contributed an early onset. The active constituents of Bhringraj hair oil benefit to improve the quality of hair thereby retaining the natural colour of the hair. Henna prepared with the bhringraj leaves also helps in dyeing the hair. Regular use of Bhringraj oil plays a key role in slowing and reducing grey hairs, thus preventing getting more in the future.
Preventing Scalp Infections
The attributes of anti-bacterial properties in Bhringraj, make it a suitable solution for treating a variety of scalp infections. Bhringraj hair oil is effective in treating different forms of folliculitis, which is the presence of inflamed hair follicles on the scalp, ultimately leading to hair fall and baldness. Regular use of this magical oil reduces inflammation of the hair follicles, scalp tenderness, alleviates scalp itching, and increases hair growth. As the pure Bhringaraj oil is cooked to perfection, it’s nothing less than medication for your scalp.
Bhringraj Oil Usage
For best results, use the Double Boiler technique to warm the Bhringaraj hair oil before application:
Double Boiler Technique
Warm a small quantity of the oil by immersing the container of the oil in a bowl (preferably a bowl made of Copper or Kansa metal) of hot water such that the oil gets heated indirectly. This method of heating ensures the ingredients of the oil remain intact to maintain the efficacy of the massage that is to follow in the next step.
Apply the Pure Bhringaraj oil onto the hair and massage starting from the scalp to the ends of the hair. Leave (preferably wrapped with a hot towel) it on for thirty minutes or overnight, whichever suits you more. Wash it off with a sulphate-free hair cleanser. Rinse well. In winters, it is suggested to apply the oil more than once to prevent dryness.
Can Bhringraj regrow hair?
Bhringaraj is known to effectively increase blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles, which in turn enriches the roots by bringing in more nutrients through the blood supply and is the most recommended hair growth oil.
Does Bhringraj darken hair?
Henna or paste is traditionally known as “Kalka” prepared with the Bhringaraj leaves which is helpful in dyeing the hair. Regular use of Bhringaraj oil plays a key role in gradually reducing grey hairs and preventing further in the future by ensuring healthy growth of hair.
How to identify bhringraj plants?
Bhringraj is a small annual plant with hairy stems, oval-shaped leaves with a serrated edge, and small white flowers that bloom in clusters. It has a bitter taste.
Does Bhringraj thicken hair?
Bhringaraj has hair growth-promoting activity both with internal and external application. It improves the quality of hair. It helps in strengthening hair roots and promotes hair growth which overall improves the thickness of hair.
Can we mix Bhringaraj oil with coconut oil?
Bhringaraj is a potent ancient Ayurvedic preparation that nourishes the scalp to strengthen hair follicles and combat hair fall whereas coconut is known to deeply moisturize and has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to heal and soothe. Bhringaraj can be certainly mixed with coconut oil to enhance its benefits.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4897414/
- https://www.netmeds.com/health-library/post/amazing-uses-health-and-nutritional-benefits-of-sesame-seeds-and-oil
- https://www.netmeds.com/health-library/post/4-kinds-of-dandruff-identify-which-type-is-causing-your-scalp-to-itch-and-flake