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Best Body Massage Oils as per Ayurveda

Published on by Dr. Shweta Netke

We know the process of a body massage sounds tedious and the first thought that comes to mind is how to find the time to incorporate these massages. In our busy, modern-day hectic lives, it can be a challenge to even have your meals on time so how can we possibly indulge in self-care with an elaborate full-body oil massage?

We understand that for the person who tries to get it all done, every day, it can be a huge task, and prioritizing ourselves is the last thing on our mind. We must eat, feed, cook, clean, and look after the kids and family, while also working on our professional jobs. The pandemic has brought nothing but chaos but believe us when we say that the time for self-care is now. Grab that oil gathering dust on your shelf and read through to understand the beauty of this exemplary routine, which has dedicated chapters on the benefits of “Abhyanga” or “self-body massages”.


स्नेहनं स्नेह विष्यनद मार्दव क्लेदकारकम|| च.सं. सु २२/११

The one which induces vishyanda (liquification), mardavam (smoothness) and kleda (moistness or dampness) on consumption or application is called “Sneha”

In Sanskrit, the word “Sneha” can be translated to both “oil” and “love.” Therefore, in Ayurveda, it is said that there needs to be a connection between both. Both experiences can give a deep feeling of stability, warmth and comfort. The quality of Sneha is Sukshma or “subtle.” This allows it to pass through the miniscule channels in the body and penetrate in the deepest layers of the tissue. Snehana or Oleation Therapy has a vital role in Ayurveda treatments in both preventive and curative aspects.


अभ्यंगम आचरेनित्यं स जराश्रमवातहा|

दृष्टिप्रसादपुष्टयायु: स्वप्नसुत्वकत्व दाढ यकृत|| अ. ह्र. सु २/८

Incorporating oleation results in softness of the morbid doshas, which become easily extractable and ready to move from places where they are undesirable and unwarranted.

Snehan is performed using substances such as Til, Erand, Mahua, Sarson, Neem, Karanj, Shaijan, Priyal and Bahera, milk, curd, Ghee, meat, fat, and bone tissue. The use of a specific snehan substance depends on the season and the nature of the treatment. Therefore, while the use of Ghee has been recommended during the fall season, oil is the preferred substance during winters and the use of fat and bone marrow has been recommended during the spring. Special Ayurvedic Body massage oils are formulated with different combinations of herbs and oils, keeping in mind the various concerns and illnesses.

Benefits of Body Massage Oils

“The body of one who uses oil massage regularly does not become affected much even if subjected to accidental injuries or strenuous work. By using oil massage daily, a person is endowed with a pleasant touch, trimmed body parts and becomes strong, charming and least affected by old age.” —Charaka Samhita Vol. 1, V: 88-89

A full-body oil massage is an important aspect of “Dinacharya”, the Ayurvedic daily routine that promotes health and longevity. Each day, preferably before your morning shower, simply warm a bit of an Ayurvedic body massage oil and apply it generously on your entire body.  For a luxurious experience, you can light a few scented candles or incense sticks to create a pleasant calming space and enjoy your massage. Allow this Ayurvedic body massage oil reveal its amazing results in no time.


An Ayurvedic body massage helps in:

  1. Nourishing the body thereby reducing the early onset of fine lines and wrinkles.
  2. Improves muscle tone and vigor in one’s body.
  3. Imparts a firmness to the limbs and builds strength.
  4. Lubricates the joints due to their texture and penetrative properties.
  5. Improves blood circulation and purification.
  6. Works on improving the metabolism by stimulating the internal organs.
  7. Assists in the elimination of impurities from the body by channeling them to the pores and the gut.
  8. Aids in the detoxification process by opening up the lymph channels.
  9. Increases stamina as the Vata dosha pacifies.
  10. Calms the jittery nerves and helps to relax.
  11. Drastically improves the sleep cycle.
  12. Enhances vision, especially by “Shiroabhyanga” (Head Massage).
  13. Nourishes the hair and scalp, leaving it looking thick, soft, and glossy.
  14. Pacifies Vata and Pitta doshas and stimulates the Kapha dosha.


Choosing the correct Body Massage Oil

Choosing the right oil depends on your dosha type:

  • Vata Dosha: 4-5 times a week using sesame and almonds, or a Vata-balancing oil such as the Balaashwagandha tailam or Mahanarayan tailam
  • Pitta Dosha: 3-4 times a week using coconut and sunflower, or a Pitta-balancing oil such as the soothing Manjisthadi tailam
  • Kapha Dosha: 1-2 times a week using safflower or a Kapha-balancing oil such as the invigorating Sahcharadi tailam
  • Good for all three Doshas: Sesame oil is considered to be the best oil for a body massage

Double Boiler Technique for heating the oil

It is important to have the oil be your body temperature or slightly on the warmer side (not hot) before application. This helps to calm down the aggravated and imbalanced doshas and gives a sense of comfort while applying.


To use a double boiler, simply fill the bottom pot with one or two inches of water. Next, add the top pot and turn on your burner to a simmer. As the water heats up and steam is released, the steam stays trapped between the two pots, which then heats the oil in the top pot. We suggest a bowl made of Copper or Kansa metal, so that the oil gets heated indirectly. This method of heating ensures the ingredients of the oil remain intact to maintain the efficacy of the massage that is to follow.

Method of Application

Use a warm massage oil. Store this oil in a small container and warm it by holding the container under running hot water or setting it in a bowl or container of hot water.

Dip your fingertips into the warm oil and massage it onto your palms.  Apply it lightly on your entire body.

You can start by massaging your head and forehead and then work your way down, towards your legs and toes.

Wait a few minutes to let some of the oil be absorbed by your skin and then massage your entire body, applying an even amount of pressure with the whole hand.

Use circular motions over rounded areas such as your head or joints and straight strokes on areas such as your arms and legs. Let the motion have an even amount of pressure and in a repetitive back and forth motion over the long bones.

Apply light pressure on sensitive areas such as the abdomen or heart and do the massage in a clockwise manner.

Use more oil and spend more time where nerve endings are concentrated, such as the soles of the feet, palms of the hands and along the base of the fingernails.

Once you are done, relax for 30 to 40 minutes or even for an hour, letting the oil and the massage to percolate. The longer the oil is on, the deeper it penetrates. During this time, you can even sit in the morning sun and read or listen to something relaxing and uplifting. Alternatively, plan for your day ahead or simply rest while enjoying the enveloping oil. Dab the excess oil off with paper towels if you like, and finally follow with a relaxing warm bath or shower.

Post massage Steam or Bath Therapy

(Swedana) Fomentation with steam or a hot water bath is advocated in Ayurveda. It is a therapy that improves the benefits of Abhyanga and helps to eradicate toxins.


Which oil is best for body massages?


This differs from person to person and their concerns however to maintain one’s health, cold pressed Sesame oil without any added preservatives is considered to be the best oil for body massages, as per Ayurveda.

Which oil is best for sensual body massages?

To uplift the senses one can choose an oil infused with their favourite essential oils to work its magic like Aromatherapy. At Forest Essentials, we have the sensual Motia infused essential oil with Loban that gives a warm seductive aroma.

What does a massage oil do to your body?

To name a few benefits, massaging the body with a good body massage oil helps in deep nourishment, detoxification, improves sleep, increases muscle tone and promotes overall strength and a good stamina.

Is a daily oil massage good for the body?

Ayurveda recommends a daily body massage. Body massages have a special mention in the daily rituals or “Dinacharya”, where they impart a sound body and mind. Such massages not only help to nourish the body but also help to nourish the mind and soul.

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Forest Essentials Luxurious Ayurveda

India’s leading beauty brand with products offering a sensorial journey with the purest natural ingredients and traditional Ayurvedic formulations, bringing timeless beauty rituals to the forefront of your self-care routine.

Reviewed By:

Arjun Singh
Arjun Singh Senior Ayurveda Expert

Arjun is a marketing professional turned Ayurveda Expert. After the completion of his post-graduation in 2008, he started his journey in the beauty industry. He has since worked with several global luxury beauty brands including DIOR & Estee Lauder. With now more than 12 years of experience, he is driven by the idea of making Skin Care, ‘simple’ and ‘accessible’ for all and help clients transform their lifestyle and skin with solutions rooted in his extensive understanding of Ayurveda. A Senior Ayurveda Expert at Forest Essentials, he carefully curates Ayurvedic remedies and is continuously working towards bridging the gap between time-honoured skin care solutions and the modern consumer of the fast-paced world.


The content provided in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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