Do you feel like you have gained a few inches just at the sight of food? Do you have a hard time losing weight? Are you feeling unmotivated and lazy?
Then you must be a Kapha Dosha personality or you may be suffering from Kapha Dosha imbalance.
Kapha Body Type

According to the ancient science of Ayurveda, the five natural elements (fire, earth, ether, water and air) are also present in your body and mind in the form of Doshas. There are three Doshas: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
The word Kapha is derived from the root “kena jalena phalati iti kapha”. It implies that water is the foundation of the Kapha. The term ‘Shleshma’ used for kapha is derived from the root “shlish alingane”.[ Su. Sa. Sutra Sthana 21/5] The meaning is to cohere, to keep together, or to adhere.
Kapha Dosha is made with a combination of Water and Earth elements from the Panchamahabhuta.
Kapha is predominant in the morning and late evening time in nature. During the life cycle- childhood is related to Kapha energy. Doshas are also a part of seasonal variations hence a major part of the spring season is where Kapha Dosha is aggravated and then it subsides in summer.
Qualities of Kapha Dosha
- Robust personality with a broad frame of body
- Good memory
- Thick, lustrous and strong hair
- Good physical and mental strength
- Affectionate, emotional and compassionate
- Sound sleeper
- Has a stable temperament
- A radiant complexion and big watery eyes
Tips For Balancing Kapha Dosha
Kapha is known to possess qualities like slow, steady, moist, oily, cool and heavy.
One of the basic principles of Ayurveda is ‘like increases like’ and opposites balance. Therefore, the treatment of Kapha involves a Kapha Dosha balancing diet comprising light and easy-to-digest food items along with a few therapies as mentioned below:
1. Diet
Diet plays an important role in managing imbalanced Kapha. The rasas which work are pungent, bitter and astringent. It is recommended to eat warm, dry and light food items in less proportion to help control Kapha vitiation. Also, it is best to avoid oily, sweet and salty foods.
2. Lifestyle
Due to the heavy elements of water and earth in Kapha, there are chances that you may feel pulled down. So, movement is an essential part of the Kapha routine. It is advised to get less sleep and wake up on ‘Brahma-muhurtam’ i.e. waking up before sunrise. This time is best for an early start to the day and even for exercising which is again a crucial aspect for maintaining Kapha health.
3. Body Massage & Exfoliation
Massaging the body with dry herbal powders is called Udvartana/Udgharshana. It is done to improve circulation and create stimulation for the nerves. It helps to create an uncomfortable situation as the massage is done in the opposite direction of the hair growth. For this massage, try using herbal powders like Lodhra, Haritaki, Chandan, Nagkesar, camphor etc that uplift and invigorate the senses. Or you can opt for Forest Essentials’ Body Polishers which do an excellent job of exfoliating the skin gently. They are infused with Raw cane sugar crystals and Kerala Coast Sea Salt, leaving the skin shiny and buffed.
4. Hot Bath
Sweating through a sauna (Svedana) or simply a hot water bath helps to bring lightness to the body and stimulates the organs to be active. Kapha loves warm temperatures, hence make sure the body and head are covered and kept warm, especially in colder temperatures to avoid Kapha aggravation.
5. Therapeutic Emesis
This is popularly known as ‘Vamana’, and as per Ayurveda, it helps to deeply cleanse the aggravated Kapha from the body. Medicated ‘kashayams’ are ingested to remove toxins deeply embedded in the body, especially in the upper body area of Kapha predominancy like the chest and facial region.
Kapha Dosha Remedies

Due to the sluggish metabolism of the Kapha personality, people may feel bloated and heavy. In such situations they should avoid eating, this is mentioned as ‘Langhana’ in Ayurveda. It is an ancient technique where one is advised to fast for a longer duration by sipping only warm water throughout the day. To curb hunger, one can consume light, warm soups or lightly spiced meals that are easier to digest such as rice water kanji, peya, or vilepi as per Ayurvedic diet recipes. Eat only if you feel hungry to avoid indigestion and create more ‘Ama’.
The skin type of people with Kapha Dosha is predominantly a ‘combination to oily skin type’ which is prone to breakouts and active acne. Hence, light-textured products with oil-balancing ingredients are recommended. Cleansing the skin and then moisturising it with soothing products is crucial to maintain the beautiful skin Kaphas is endowed with. Forest Essentials’ latest launch, the Balancing Night Cream with Gotukola and Neem is an ideal pick since it is infused with oil-balancing ingredients. It helps to regulate sebum production while keeping the skin clear and fresh.
Kapha are predisposed to be more lethargic or sleepy as compared to other Doshas. To keep them motivated and active is of utmost importance as they might easily become moody or sad which will further increase Kapha Dosha. Planning outdoor tasks with friends or engaging in a learning course will keep them on their toes and give them something to focus on. Basically, pulling them out of their comfort zone and making them highly alert can keep laziness at bay.
The best way to keep Kapha’s mind sharp and alert is by playing fast-paced games that enable them to think clearly and be agile.
How to balance Kapha Dosha?
Kapha dosha can be balanced by including warm and easy-to-digest food items along with strenuous physical activity and keeping one busy with outdoorsy things.
What should Kapha Dosha avoid?
Kapha Dosha should avoid overeating sweet, salty, and unctuous foods due to slow metabolism and frequent tendency to nap during the day. They should also avoid being inactive and getting stuck in a rut.
What is the problem with Kapha Dosha?
Kapha Dosha can be easily aggravated if they tend to overeat or have a very laid-back personality. They are also prone to having mood swings as they are forgiving and extremely patient in their behaviour which may harbour unpleasant thoughts.
What is Kapha’s lifestyle?
Kapha’s lifestyle is more inclined towards comfort. They prefer staying indoors and avoid any kind of physical activity. They need a lot of motivation and effort when it comes to exercise or any activity that involves heading out. They are also quite fond of napping, although it is not recommended as it increases Kapha.
What are the benefits of Kapha body type?
Kapha body types are blessed with great skin and hair along with being the most loving personality. They are patient and they tend to be more forgiving than others. They support their peers and always lend a shoulder to lean on.