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A Skincare Guide to Delay Premature Ageing

Published on by Dr. Taruna Yadav

Some people tend to neglect using anti-ageing products because they think they’re either too young to start or too old to make a difference. But how do you know if it is time for you to incorporate anti-ageing products in your skincare routine?

It is of utmost importance to inculcate the right kind of products in your skincare routine from the beginning to maintain healthy skin even in your advanced years. While most people start showing the signs of ageing in their late 20s or 30s, some start at relatively earlier stages. Premature ageing is when the signs are visible ahead of the standard timeline. But what does it look like, you ask? Although, fine lines and wrinkles are the most common indications of ageing, many unknown factors include itchy and sagging skin, sunken cheeks, hair loss and the like.

While there are some factors that we cannot do anything about, others can be influenced. The natural ageing process of your skin and body, medically called “intrinsic ageing” which results in your skin becoming thinner and drier, is a change that cannot be reversed. However, other factors resulting in “extrinsic ageing” can be influenced by your lifestyle choices. The glory of your skin can be returned by following some basic steps that can help delay premature signs of ageing.

The skin is exposed to myriad harmful environmental pollutants which is why one needs to adopt a skincare routine that protects and maintains its health. Read on as we unravel the often-overlooked beauty essentials that can effectively transform your skin to its healthiest, best state.

Skincare routine to delay premature signs of ageing

A CTM Routine

A Cleansing-Toning-Moisturizing regime might as well be called the bible for healthy skin. A regular, twice a day CTM routine, regardless of your skin type, is vital to keep visible signs of ageing at bay. Amongst multiple benefits, it keeps the skin free of toxins, clears clogged pores and tightens the skin while making sure it never lacks hydration.

Protect your skin from the Sun

If you are aiming to dodge the premature signs of ageing, we suggest you do not underestimate the harmful rays of the Sun. Many tend to neglect using a sunscreen when it isn’t sunny outside, or their lifestyle requires them to be indoors for most of the day. However, all such myths need to be busted. Sun is known to initiate the first signs of skin ageing and can cause depletion of collagen and increase in skin pigmentation with regular exposure. Therefore, the key to an effective skincare regimen is using a product with a minimum of SPF 30, all year round, at all times of the day, to keep your skin healthy, protected, and glowing.

Take care of your body as much as you do your face

Skin is the largest organ of your body, and many tend to forget that along with taking care of your face, you must care of rest of the body. Make sure you do not end your skincare routine with your face and take it down to your neck, shoulders, and other body parts.

Hydration is key

While you focus on hydrating the skin from the outside, you must not forget the importance of hydration from within. Water can rightly be termed as an anti-ageing elixir that is essential to maintaining optimal skin moisture and delivering vital nutrients to skin cells to replenish their tissue and increase elasticity. Without water, not only your dehydrated skin will become flaky and dry, but also become even more prone to ageing. It is recommended to drink 2-3 liters of water every day to maintain the health and glow of your skin.

Benefits of water for the skin

Happiness From Within Makes For Happy Skin

As you pursue optimal skin health, your lifestyle, nutritional values, and beauty choices, all together play an important role in your physical and mental wellbeing. As important as it is to choose the right kind of products for your skin, it is equally important to choose a lifestyle and diet that benefits you in the best way.

While you are doing what you can to delay signs of ageing, the real beauty lies in embracing each aspect of life. How you feel has a significant role to play in how you look, and inner radiance is always unmatched. In Ayurveda, this is known as ‘Ojas’ or your vitality and inner glow. Surround yourself with things that make you happy and indulge in positive thinking to channel your inner glow, outwards.

Visit www.forestessentialsindia.com to explore luxurious, Ayurvedic products that allow you to achieve the most coveted, radiant, and healthy skin.

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Forest Essentials Luxurious Ayurveda

India’s leading beauty brand with products offering a sensorial journey with the purest natural ingredients and traditional Ayurvedic formulations, bringing timeless beauty rituals to the forefront of your self-care routine.

Reviewed By:

Dr. Taruna Yadav
Dr. Taruna Yadav Senior Ayurveda Doctor

Dr. Taruna Yadav is a Senior Ayurveda Doctor, Author, Speaker, and Certified Stress and Lifestyle Management Consultant who has been working in the area Preventive and Holistic Health for more than a decade. She started her career as an Ayurvedic Doctor in 2007 and took up Nutrition and Wellness along the way to help people achieve Optimum Physical Health. She also has a specialization in Mental Health Specialisation and is a Member of the International Stress Management Association, UK. She strongly believes that proper nutrition, natural remedies and Ayurvedic therapies can help ensure a healthy mind and body. At Forest Essentials, Dr. Taruna represents the expertise on Ayurveda, Nutrition, and Stress Management.


The content provided in this blog is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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