Forest Essentials

Product In FocusHead Massage Oils

Traditional Head Massage Oils

Decode the secret to nourishing your hair with the Ayurvedic Herb Enriched Head Massage Oils by Forest Essentials.

Renowned since ancient times and documented in the Vedas, these nourishing hair oils are infused with the finest quality of Ayurvedic herbs that promote hair growth, nourishment and overall hair health.

Decoding Beauty Rituals of the Devadasis for Hair Care

The Devadasis prepared elaborate bath rituals and often found comfort in preparing self-formulated hair tonics. Their indulgent rituals for the hair consisted of preparing decocts of fresh herbs, spices and flowers.

For them, the most painstaking task was the hair wash. The Devadasis used to oil their hair a night before hair wash with an oil recipe that included the use of Amla Oil, made by extracting the juice of the Amla fruit and boiling it with pure Coconut Oil. This oil was rubbed into the scalp, a night before the shampoo. With its monumental power, pleasure and purpose; the traditional oil massage has always been an indispensable practice for beauty and health.

Quite like these traditional and indulgent massage oils for the hair, the Forest Essentials Head Massage Oils have been curated with the finest quality of fresh Ayurvedic herbs and pure virgin base oils to improve the health and overall texture of the hair.

Explore the Herb Enriched Head Massage Oils by Forest Essentials

In Ayurveda, having healthy hair is an expression of balanced Ayurvedic Doshas. To promote self-care with a truly immersive hair care ritual, indulge in the Forest Essentials Ayurvedic Herb Enriched Head Massage Oil Bhringraj and Japapatti.

Similar to the hair tonics crafted by the Devadasis, these hair oils contain potent Ayurvedic herbs that promote healthy hair. The Forest Essentials Head Massage Oil Bhringraj is made from an ancient Ayurvedic recipe called Tel Paak, with renowned herbs like Bhringraj, Mulethi and Brahmi to nourish the scalp and strengthen the hair while also reducing hair fall. In this process, we first prepare a decoction with all the herbs and boil it till it is one-third of the original quantity. This is mixed with virgin base oils in a fresh vessel and simmered on a low flame. Finally, milk is added to this recipe and the oil is left to cool.

The Head Massage Oil Japapatti is a melange of herbs like Nilini, Hibiscus, Bakuchi, Jasmine Leaf Extract and Cumin with pure hand-pressed oils of Coconut and Black Sesame, to promote lush, nourished tresses.

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How to UseHow to Optimally Use Head Massage Oils?


Double Boiler Technique – Warm a small quantity of the oil using the double boiler technique: Immerse the container of oil in a bowl (preferably a bowl made of Copper or Kansa metal) of hot water such that the oil gets heated indirectly. This method of heating ensures that the ingredients of the oil remain intact to maintain the efficacy of the massage that is to follow.

Apply onto your hair and massage starting from the scalp to the ends of your hair. Wrap your head with a hot towel and leave it on for at least thirty minutes. Wash with a sulphate-free hair cleanser – Bhringraj & Shikakai, Japapatti & Brahmi or Amla, Honey & Mulethi. Rinse well and follow with a hair conditioner.

Essential Tips: You can also use the Japapatti Hair Masque on the length of your hair for extra nourishment and silky soft hair.

What Our Customers Have To SayCustomers Reviews

“Japapatti Oil is really good for nourishment and also breakage. Helped me heaps.”
Fiona, Melbourne, August 2020

“This potion works wonders for the hair, especially in a place where water is not quite good for the hair. Regular use of this Bhringraj Oil has resulted in reduction in hairfall as well as stimulated growth of new hair. Extremely satisfied with the results and I would never trade this for any other hair oil.”
-Madhumita, Bengaluru, May 2020

“I'm very very happy with this Japapatti hair oil and its effects... It has definitely helped my dry and damaged hair look healthier.”
-Raman, India, April 2018

“This oil suits everybody, from my teenage daughter to my old age mother. It shows better results with the Bhringraj shampoo & conditioner for me. Another good thing is, it is non-greasy yet nourishing.”
-Preeti, Pune, December 2020